7 Reasons That Diamond Coat Flooring Is So Popular

7 Reasons That Diamond Coat Epoxy Flooring Is So Popular

If you have been thinking about having a polished concrete floor installed or having a concrete floor refinished, but have balked at the costs, and the upheaval that they are going to create, then you might want to consider epoxy flooring as an alternative.

It is a relatively new option, however, it is proving to be an extremely popular one for businesses and domestic customers thanks to the many benefits that it offers, such as the seven we have detailed below

Budget Friendly

One of the major appeals of diamond coat flooring is that its cost compared to other options, such as polished concrete, is significantly lower. This allows many, who previously could not consider having such wonderfully polished finishes on their floors because of the expense, to now have the chance to have them, either at home, or in their business premises.

Quick Installation Time

Polished concrete can be a process that takes several days, and creates a huge amount of upheaval, meaning that a business may have to close its doors for a week or more, with all the implications that has for lost revenue. The process for installing diamond coat flooring is much quicker, meaning that the business can reopen sooner, and thus disruption for staff and customers is minimised.

Choice Of Finishes

With diamond coat flooring there are normally different finishes from which you can choose. The differences in each one will be the amount of concrete still visible, and how smooth the polished finish is. There will be different business scenarios where each of these are more applicable, depending on whether the appearance is more or less important than what the surface feels like.


5 Important Decisions You Must Make When Choosing A Home Lift System

5 Important Decisions You Must Make When Choosing A Home Lift System

To have a home renovation, including getting a lift installed on your property, is not a decision that should ever be taken on a whim.  From the start, through the planning, the installation, and for many years after it has been installed, there are considerations that you need to make. Throughout that process, there will be some decisions that you need to make which have more importance than others. These are decisions that can make the difference between a successful installation and an unsuccessful one.

Want to know what those decisions are? Excellent, because by asking certain questions and answering them, you are giving yourself all the information you need to make decisions that will ensure that the residential lift which is installed in your home is the right one for you and your family. Here are what we believe to be 5 of the most important decisions you must make about your new home lift.

#1 Do You Need A Home Lift?

You might be reading this having already decided you want a home lift, but we ask you to revisit that decision to make certain that you need or want one. Not that we are trying to talk you out of having a home lift installed; in fact, quite the opposite. Going through and confirming the positive reasons why you believe a home lift would benefit you and your family and justifying your decision will give you the necessary confidence to make other decisions that follow.


How To Choose The Right Solar System For Your Home

How To Choose The Right Solar System For Your Home

At the time of writing, the worldwide market for solar systems that generate electricity is over 270 billion AUD. For us here in Australia we can take particular pride in knowing that no other country in the world has a greater percentage uptake of domestic solar systems with over 30% of residences already having had the good sense to have either solar panels and/or EV charges installed.

If you have not yet joined the many Australian homeowners who already benefit from solar energy, but you wish to, then please keep reading as we are going to outline in some detail the best ways for you to choose a solar energy system for your home.

Seek Recommendations And Reviews

Start your search by asking for recommendations from your friends and family because, as we have already mentioned, around a third of those you know are likely to have migrated to using solar power. They can provide you with feedback on the benefits and drawbacks of the various systems they all have and identify solar panel companies they recommend. This way, you can avoid solar energy systems that are unlikely to meet your requirements.

In addition to seeking recommendations from those you know, you can also research online. Review websites such as Trustpilot and the websites of local solar panel companies will provide lots of information and feedback. Only consider solar panel systems and installation companies with multiple positive reviews.


7 Benefits Of Frameless Glass Shower Screens

7 Benefits Of Frameless Glass Shower Screens

If you have been contemplating upgrading or renovating your bathroom, we hope one action you have taken as part of that quest is to look at the shower screen options you have and, in particular, frameless glass shower screens. These have become increasingly popular with homeowners who are either switching from using a shower curtain, replacing an old shower, or renovating their entire bathroom.

There are multiple reasons why the popularity of frameless glass shower screens has been on the rise, and core among those reasons are the benefits that this type of shower screen provides. To give you an insight into them, we have highlighted seven of the top benefits which we hope will help give you confidence in frameless glass shower screens should you choose that option.

Benefit #1 – Versatility

One huge advantage of frameless glass shower screens over glass shower screens that have frames is their versatility. This extends to them being customisable. This means the company manufacturing and fitting your shower screen can create it with bespoke dimensions and a design that suits your bathroom exactly. This is also important if your bathroom is an odd shape or its size is limited.

Benefit #2 – Highest Quality Glass

Many people are under the misconception that frameless glass shower screens are less robust than framed shower screens simply because they do not have a frame. You might be surprised to learn that the opposite is often true. Assuming that you have your frameless glass shower screen installed by professionals, you will usually find that the glass is of a higher quality and, thus, tougher and more durable than the glass used for a framed shower screen.


7 Common Carpet Cleaning Mistakes To Avoid

7 Common Carpet Cleaning Mistakes To Avoid

When a professional carpet cleaner is advising their clients regarding how to keep carpets clean, maintain them, and subsequently what the best ways to clean them are, it is as important that they explain what not to do, as it is to explain what to do.

What we mean by that is, as much as knowing what steps to take to clean carpets is important, it is every bit, if not more important, to know what to avoid. Specifically, what you are hoping to avoid are the many mistakes that people make when trying to clean their carpets, which will, at best fail to clean them properly, and in the worst cases, ruin them completely to the extent that the carpet or carpets in question need to be replaced.

If you have ever had to pay for new carpets we are sure you will agree that carpet cleaning mistakes can be costly. We want you to avoid those costly mistakes which is why we have highlighted the most common carpet cleaning mistakes for you so that you know what not to do when it comes to cleaning your carpets.

Common Carpet Cleaning Mistake #1 – Scrubbing Stains: It is tragic how many carpet stains are made worse because someone has panicked when a spill occurs. Instead of blotting up the offending liquid, they try scrubbing it which simply pushes the liquid and the stain deeper into the fibres to make them ultimately harder to remove, and spreads them across a wider area too.

Common Carpet Cleaning Mistake #2 – Using An Unsuitable Carpet Cleaner: It might seem positive that there is such a wide variety of carpet cleaners in the form of liquids and solutions, but we contend that it can be a problem. Having so many to choose from can confuse those buying them and, unfortunately, there are carpet cleaning solutions on the market that contain chemicals that can do more harm than good to carpets if used wrongly.


How to Choose The Best Concrete Pool Installation Company

How to Choose The Best Concrete Pool Installation Company

Given the size of investment that is necessary if you want to have a concrete pool installed at your property, the choice of company to install that pool is not one that should be made on a whim. Instead, some thorough research and careful consideration are needed to ensure that, what is in effect an investment in your property, is done professionally and to the necessary standards.

Obviously, your research can only take place if you know exactly what it is you are supposed to be researching, so to help you here are some of the main checks you should be making before choosing your concrete pool installation contractor.

Know What It Is You Want

Before you start looking at individual pool installation companies, it will aid your quest enormously if you know what it is you want in the first place. You might not need to know every last detail, but at least have some ideas as to the size and design of the pool that you want. This way, when you are speaking to possible pool companies you can determine if they are able to fulfill the sort of work you want doing.

Read Their Reviews And Check Out Their Reputation

Any company which has a track record of satisfying customers will have reviews either on their website, available at their offices, or on local business forums and websites. You should also do some research as to any company’s reputation by seeing if they are flagged anywhere as having let customers down. You might also ask around locally, especially those whom you know have had a concrete pool installed recently.

Ask For Referrals

Even better than reviews are referrals from existing customers who are willing to not only vouch of the company but are happy for you to visit their home to see the pool which was installed. Any company that values its reputation properly will be able to supply you with a number of referrals that you can contact and visit to confirm the high standards they work to.


What Should I Do if My Office Has a Burst Pipe?

Burst pipes and other plumbing issues can cause major problems in your business if not treated fast and professionally. Not only can they be costly to fix, but they can also result in significant lost income if you’re forced to close your doors for some time.

It’s therefore extremely important to get on top of problems like burst pipes extremely fast. Make sure you get in contact with your local plumber ASAP. On top of this, you can follow the tips that we’ve outlined below to minimise the impact of a burst or leaking pipe on your business.

  1. Turn the Water Off

The very first thing you should do when you discover a burst pipe or other plumbing leak in your office or business building is turn the mains water supply off. Sure, this can be inconvenient for your business, but it will save you a lot of trouble in the long run.

Basically, turning the water off at the source – you should have some sort of mains tap or isolator – will prevent any more leaking into your building. This should make the entire repair and clean-up process significantly easier.

  1. Call an Emergency Plumber

Next, you should get in direct contact with your local emergency plumber. They will be able to advise you of the best thing to do next, and in many cases they will attend your premises immediately.

A decent percentage of modern plumbers offer 24/7 emergency service. A quick internet search will help you find a reliable, trustworthy one in your region.


Trex Decking Versus Wood Decking

Trex Decking Versus Wood Decking

Whilst there are many choices you may have to make with regards to upgrading your garden, if you have chosen to have decking installed, you now face another choice. That choice is whether you wish to have wood decking installed, or to go for decking made from a composite material, with Trex decking, being one of the primary options.

It is often at this point many people have to weigh up the advantages and disadvantages of both wood and Trex decking. To try to help anyone in with this quandary somewhat, we have looked at both Trex decking and wood decking, to analyse how they compare with each other.

Upfront Costs

For any project, whether it is inside the home or outside, one of the primary considerations will be the cost, so let us start there. We are going to assume that you are going to employ a decking company to install your decking. To that end, ensure that you get an agreed price with all costs included before the work begins.

If you choose wood, then the first benefit is that, usually, hardwood decking tends to be cheaper than Trex decking. The reason for this is that wood usually goes through fewer manufacturing processes than Trex decking, and therefore the purchase price of wooden decking is lower.

Longer Term Costs

Where Trex decking counteracts the lower upfront costs, is with regards to the longer-term costs. Wood decking is likely to need oiling, sanding, and staining on a regular basis. These are costs that Trex decking will not incur. In addition, a wooden board will be more prone to warping and damage, and thus you need to factor in the replacement costs too.


If you were to measure the average lifespan of decking materials, for those made from wood you should expect around 10 to 15 years, and for composite decking such as Trex decking, that will extend to as many as 25 years.  In effect, you will need to install new wood decking twice as often as Trex decking.
